Coaches Mtg: Thu, Mar 20, 5:30 pm
Season runs from Apr 1-Jun 5
Teams will be made up of 6 to 15 participants. Teams will play best of three match-ups with a single elimination to occur at the end of the season. Rules and regulations will follow official National Federation of High School Sports (NFHS) volleyball guidelines – this
will be handed out to participants during sign-ups at front desk. All registration packets must be submitted by league meeting, at the meeting we will answer all questions. All teams must have matching uniforms with numbers prior to the start of the first game. All teams must pay $100.00 refundable forfeit fee and all DoD civilians must pay $15 fee.
Open to Active-duty personnel, Reservists, Retirees, Dependents (18+), and DoD civilians (contractors are not eligible).